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Past Events & Studies

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IOCDF OCD Camp 2025

The Online OCD Camp is a weekend full of interactive sessions, educational activities, and FUN for youth aged 6-17 who have OCD or a sibling with OCD. In addition to programming for elementary, middle, & high schoolers, OCD Camp also offers support for caregivers and families, including strategies and education about caring for a child with OCD and socialization with families with similar experiences.

You can choose from four audience tracks:
  • Elementary Schoolers (Suggested Ages: 6–11)
  • Middle Schoolers (Suggested Ages: 12–14)
  • High Schoolers (Suggested Ages: 15–17)
  • Parents and Caregivers
Registration Fees: $75 for your entire family. Click here for more information.

Click Here to Register

OCD Connecticut
As part of its Lecture Series, OCD Connecticut was honored to conduct a virtual Zoom event featuring a conversation with Martin N. Seif, Ph.D., on Tuesday, December 10, 2024.

A master clinician with over 35 years of experience, Dr. Seif has pioneered innovative and highly effective treatment approaches for anxiety disorders, including Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia, Specific Phobias, Social Anxiety Disorder, and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

Martin N. Seif, Ph.D. A founder and founding board member of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, Dr. Seif also served on its Clinical Advisory Board.

During the event, Dr. Seif discussed the nature of intrusive thoughts, compulsions, and the importance of changing one's perspective towards these thoughts. The meeting also touched on the relationship between intrusive thoughts, anxiety, depression, and rumination, and the potential benefits of mindfulness meditation and the book "Overcoming Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts" for those with OCD and autism spectrum disorder.

Dr. Seif is an author and lecturer: he is co-author, with Sally Winston of “What Every Therapist Needs to Know About Anxiety Disorders; Key concepts, insights, interventions.” (Rutledge, 2014), "Overcoming Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts: A CBT-Based Guide to Getting Over Frightening, Obsessive, or Disturbing Thoughts, (New Harbinger, 2017), and "Needing to Know for Sure: A CBT-Based Guide to Overcoming Compulsive Checking and Reassurance Seeking" (New Harbinger, 2019), and his newest book "Overcoming Anticipatory Anxiety: A CBT Guide for Moving Past Chronic Indecisiveness, Avoidance, and Catastrophic Thinking.” He has lectured at the American Psychological Association, The International Obsessive Compulsive Foundation, and The Anxiety and Depression Association.

This event has been recorded. Links to the recordings are below:
For more information about Dr. Seif, you can visit his website at

2024 Online OCD Conference

November 23–24, 2024 (Saturday–Sunday)

The 2024 Online OCD Conference sponsored by StopOCD is back for its fifth straight year!

#OnlineOCDCon features two full days of live, interactive programming for those with lived experience, family members, and therapists who work with OCD.

And it’s all accessible right from your home. No matter where you are, you’re welcome to join us for two days of presentations, support groups, after-hours activities, and more.

Meet and spend time with others who are impacted by OCD and related disorders — and OCD clinicians and researchers!

Please note, the Online OCD Conference only features programming for individuals 18 years or older. For virtual resources for youth impacted by OCD, check out the Online OCD Camp taking place Feb 1-2, 2025. Learn more about OCD Camp.

The Online OCD Conference is organized by the International OCD Foundation (IOCDF), a donor-supported nonprofit supporting all those impacted by OCD and related disorders.

The mission of the IOCDF is to ensure that no one affected by OCD and related disorders suffers alone. Our community provides help, healing, and hope. Our vision is that everyone impacted by OCD and related disorders has immediate access to effective treatment and support.

The IOCDF provides up-to-date education and resources, strengthens community engagement, delivers quality professional training, and advances groundbreaking research.

Register Now

After the event ends, everything will be accessible for 60 days, so you can make this conference count. We hope to see you there!

CT Psychological Association 38th ConventionChristina J. Taylor, Ph.D., OCD Connecticut Clinical Board Advisor, and OCD Connecticut board members are presenting a virtual workshop – "Evidence-Based Treatment for OCD – Strategies for Improving Access to Care" – at the Connecticut Psychological Association's 38th Annual Convention on Thursday, November 7th, 2024, 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm. For more information, you can visit the convention's website at

2024 OCD Walk

2024 OCD Awareness Week

OCD Awareness Week (#OCDweek) is a worldwide event that serves to dispel myths about obsessive compulsive disorder, break the stigma around mental illness, and provide education about the disorder and how to support those affected.

For the over 200 million people worldwide living with OCD, public misconception can prevent them from accessing the timely, effective treatment they need to move from suffering to thriving.

This #OCDweek, whether you share facts, tell your own story, or otherwise support OCD Awareness Week, you are making a powerful difference.

OCD ConnecticutOCD Connecticut is presenting a colloquium – "Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Getting Help and Support for Recovery" – on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 at Sacred Heart University (SHU) in Fairfield, CT. Christina J. Taylor, Ph.D., OCD Connecticut Clinical Board Advisor, and OCD Connecticut board members will discuss the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of OCD. The presentation is sponsored by The Human Journey Colloquia 2024 Series and is free and open to the public.

The panel will be held at 2:00 PM in the Loris Forum in the Martire Building at SHU, 5401 Park Avenue, Fairfield, CT.

OCD AWARENESS "MEET AND GREET" EVENT  (Posted July 31, 2024)  New!
OCD Connecticut
OCD Connecticut (the CT affiliate of the IOCDF) is excited to announce that it is holding a “Meet and Greet” event on Thursday, September 26, 2024. This event aims to raise awareness and educate the community about OCD. This will be a wonderful opportunity for the affiliate to meet with people who wish to learn more about OCD. This event is ideal for individuals and families living with OCD, as well as family members and supporters of those suffering from OCD.

The event will be held at:

Acton Public Library
Grady Thomas Room
60 Old Boston Post Road
Old Saybrook, CT 06475

Time: 6:00pm to 7:30pm

This event is free. Refreshments will be provided.

Please RSVP to if you’re interested in attending.

Download the event flyer.

OCD CT-OCD Awareness Event

SUMMER SOCIAL GATHERING ON AUGUST 28, 2024  (Posted August 13, 2024)
Summer Event Graphic
Together with OCD Connecticut, we have organized an informal social gathering on Wednesday, August 28th. The gathering will take place at Pistachio Café 2, located at 1245 Chapel Street, New Haven, CT at 6:00pm (the cafe closes at 8:30pm). This is a decent sized spot with indoor and outdoor seating, and metered street parking. Please note there are two Pistachio Cafes in New Haven. We’ll be meeting at the one on Chapel Street, not the one on Whalley Avenue. This get-together will allow us to connect and support each other face-to-face in a relaxed environment. For more information, you can contact Amy at

29TH ANNUAL IOCDF OCD CONFERENCE  (Posted April 17, 2024)
2024 IOCDF OCD Conference
The Annual International OCD Foundation's (IOCDF) OCD Conference brings together individuals and families living with OCD, mental health professionals, and researchers to educate and empower the community. This July, the International OCD Foundation invites you to learn about the latest treatments, research, and practices in OCD and related disorders. We can't wait to see you in Orlando!

This year's conference will take place in Orlando, FL on July 25-28, 2024 at the Hyatt Regency Orlando.

Welcome to the largest international conference dedicated to OCD and related disorders!

This year’s event will feature three days of in-person programming for the entire OCD community, including:
  • Individuals with lived experience
  • Family members & supporters
  • Mental health professionals
  • Researchers
IOCDF has a great lineup in store for our community. Click here to view registration rates and policies. We can't wait to see you all!

"This is the world’s largest gathering of those who are dedicated to solving the problem of OCD. Researchers, clinicians, those with OCD, and their families all come together to teach, to learn from each other, and to share support. Whether you are looking to learn about today’s cutting-edge treatments or the best coping strategies for families, this conference is for you." — Reid Wilson, PhD

Learn More & Register

SUMMER SOCIAL GATHERING ON JULY 23, 2024  (Posted July 15, 2024)
Summer Event Graphic
Together with OCD Connecticut, we have organized an informal social gathering on Tuesday, July 23rd. The gathering will take place at Maison Mathis Cafe, located at 304 Elm St, New Haven, CT at 6:00pm (the cafe closes at 9:00pm). This is a decent-sized location with indoor and outdoor seating. Metered street parking and a paid parking lot are in the center island. This get-together will allow us to connect and support each other face-to-face in a relaxed environment. For more information, you can contact Amy at

OCD Connecticut
As part of its Lecture Series, OCD Connecticut is thrilled to announce that it is sponsoring an event featuring Christopher Pittenger, MD, PhD, director of the Yale OCD Research Clinic, as the keynote speaker. Dr. Pittenger will share his groundbreaking research on novel treatments for OCD, shedding light on the latest advancements in the field. He will also provide a comprehensive overview of the basics regarding OCD, treatment, medication, etc.

Christopher Pittenger, MD, PhDDr. Pittenger, a renowned psychiatry researcher, is a leading figure in the field. He earned his MD and Ph.D. from Columbia University and later returned to Yale University, his undergraduate alma mater, for research and residency. Pittenger's research focuses on the brain's role in creating thought, feeling, and consciousness, as well as how brain dysregulation leads to mental suffering. His work has been particularly focused on OCD and Tourette syndrome, and the cortico-basal ganglia circuitry. He co-founded the Yale Program for Psychedelic Science, focusing on how molecules like psilocybin and LSD can teach us about brain and behavior, potentially leading to new treatments for neuropsychiatric pathology. Pittenger is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the International OCD Foundation and OCD Connecticut, and a Fellow of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, American Psychiatric Association, and American Neurological Association.

The event will take place on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, at 7:00 pm in the Cohen Auditorium located in the Yale Child Study Center, 230 S. Frontage Road NIHB E-02, New Haven, CT. For driving and parking directions to the Cohen Auditorium, click here.

Dr. Pittenger's website is
The Yale OCD Research Clinic website is

If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to

OCD Connecticut
On May 15, 2024, OCD Connecticut was honored to welcome Denis Sukhodolsky, PhD, clinical psychologist and professor at the Yale Child Study Center, to conduct a virtual Zoom presentation entitled: OCD in Children and Adolescents: Assessment, Diagnosis and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. Dr. Sukhodolsky spoke about the phenomenology and clinical assessment of OCD in children and adolescents. Particular attention was paid to the diagnosis of complex presentations and co-occurring neurodevelopmental disorders. In addition, principles and methods of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for OCD, also known as exposure and response prevention (ERP), were reviewed with illustrations of application to specific symptom profiles.

Denis Sukhodolsky, PhDDr. Sukhodolsky is a clinical psychologist and professor at the Yale Child Study Center, where he conducts research on psychotherapy for children with neurodevelopmental disorders. He also works with children and their families at the Center and teaches a course on cognitive-behavior therapy for child psychiatry fellows at the Yale School of Medicine.

His website is

Dr. Sukhodolsky graciously allowed us to share his slide presentation on our website. To view the presentation, click here.

ONLINE HOARDING DISORDER CONFERENCE (MAY 4–5, 2024)  (Posted February 8, 2024)  New!
Online Hoarding Disorder

The Online Hoarding Disorder Conference offers an opportunity for professionals — from therapists and social workers to firefighters and other public safety officials — to learn how to work effectively and compassionately with individuals with hoarding disorder (HD).

Professionals will hear from leading researchers and experts in the field and will walk away with a new understanding and practical strategies for working with those affected by HD.

The Online Hoarding Disorder Conference also provides useful information to individuals with lived experience, families and supporters affected by HD, community providers, clinicians and researchers to educate about effective and compassionate care.

The program for the Online Hoarding Disorder Conference will be released in early 2024. The full schedule will feature sessions for a variety of audiences:

  • Individuals with Hoarding Disorder: Those with lived experience with hoarding disorder. Programming focuses on recovery options and building motivation for treatment.
  • Family Members and Supporters: Non-professionals who have been affected by hoarding disorder in their families or other relations. Programming focuses on communication skills and effective support systems.
  • Community Providers: Professionals outside of the mental health space who work with or on behalf of those with hoarding disorder, such as human service providers, housing authorities, case managers, first responders, government officials, etc. Programming focuses on strategies for addressing hoarding disorder in communities, including interventions and collaboration models.
  • Clinicians and Researchers: Mental health professionals who treat and/or research hoarding disorder. Programming focuses on skills training and enhancing the clinical understanding of the disorder.

Learn More & Register

IOCDF Faith & OCD Conference

Navigating OCD in Diverse Faith-Based Communities

Thursday, April 18, 2024

The International OCD Foundation (IOCDF) is excited to present the fourth annual Faith and OCD Conference taking place virtually on Thursday, April 18, 2024!

The conference was specifically created to address the needs of a diverse community — spanning all faiths, ethnicities, and backgrounds. We’ll provide education about effective treatment and ways to support those in the faith community living with OCD.

Join the IOCDF for this collaborative conversation between faith leaders, mental health providers, and the OCD community!

Join us for this collaborative conversation between faith leaders, mental health providers, and the OCD community!

Who Should Attend

Individuals & Families — Those with lived experience with anxiety and OCD will hear from faith leaders and mental health professionals about how to build a supportive network for recovery — and receive messages of hope shared by those impacted by OCD and related disorders.

Faith Leaders — Spiritual and religious leaders will hear from those with lived experience with faith-related anxiety and OCD and find out how to recognize symptoms. Learn about treatment options and how you can help in the recovery process.

Mental Health Professionals — Mental health providers will gain insight from faith leaders about the ways anxiety, OCD, and treatment intersect with their clients’ faith practices. Learn how to adapt your practice by integrating faith leaders and families in the development of treatment plans.

Learn More & Register

ADAA Conference 2024

Board members of OCD Connecticut, along with Christina J. Taylor, Ph.D., OCD Connecticut Clinical Board Advisor and co-facilitator of our support group, will be presenting a roundtable, “Barriers to Getting Good Help for OCD: Consumers and Advocates Speak Out” at the ADAA Annual Conference in Boston on April 13, 2024.

The board members will discuss their first-hand experiences with OCD and their journey to activism. Discussion with the audience will focus on the development of comprehensive strategies to expand access to expert care for OCD, including education, research, activism, and lobbying.

Learn More & Register

IOCDF BDD Conference 2024


The Online BDD Conference offers an opportunity for professionals to learn how to treat individuals with Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD).

Professionals will hear from leading researchers and experts in the field and will walk away with a new understanding and practical strategies for working with those affected by BDD.

The Online BDD Conference also provides critical information to individuals, families, and loved ones affected by BDD to educate people and their families about effective treatment.

Individuals living with BDD will participate in a support group led by Scott Granet, LCSW, while family members and supporters will enjoy a special group geared at learning to take care of yourself while supporting a loved one.

An additional highlight of the program is the Success Panel featuring individuals with BDD who have been through treatment and want to share the lessons they learned along the way. The panel discussion will be followed by a Q&A with the panelists.

The full schedule will feature sessions for a variety of audiences:
  • Individuals with BDD: Those with lived experience with BDD. Programming focuses on recovery options and building motivation for treatment.
  • Family Members and Supporters: Non-professionals who have been affected by BDD in their families or other relations. Programming focuses on communication skills and effective support systems.
  • Clinicians: Professionals who treat BDD. Programming focuses on skills training and enhancing the clinical understanding of the disorder.
Learn More & Register

IOCDF OCD Camp 2024

INTERNATIONAL OCD FOUNDATION'S ONLINE OCD CAMP (JANUARY 27-28, 2024)  (Posted November 13, 2023)  New!
The International OCD Foundation's Online OCD Camp sponsored by McLean OCDI Jr. is a virtual event for youth with OCD, and their families!

Created especially for youth between the ages of 6 and 17, OCD Camp will feature two days of interactive sessions and activities for three age groups.

In addition, the program will include sessions for parents/guardians and opportunities for fun and socialization with other families.

You can choose from four audience tracks:
  • Elementary Schoolers (Suggested Ages: 6–11)
  • Middle Schoolers (Suggested Ages: 12–14)
  • High Schoolers (Suggested Ages: 15–17)
  • Parents and Guardians

Registration Fees: $65 • One rate no matter how many family members attend.

One price covers registration, whether it's just one person or your entire family attending! During the registration process, you will submit family member information and which tracks they will be attending.

Register Now

OCD Connecticut
OCD Connecticut is happy to announce that Katie Marrotte, MSW, LCSW, will be their guest lecturer at a virtual Zoom event they are holding on Thursday, November 16th at 7:30pm. She will be discussing the topic of Inference-Based Cognitive-Behavior Therapy for OCD. Inference-based CBT (I-CBT) is an evidence-based treatment of choice for OCD. I-CBT is an upstream modality that targets the obsessional doubt of the OCD cycle. When the obsessional doubt is resolved, then the anxiety and compulsive aspects of OCD do not take place.

Katie Marrotte, MSW, LCSWKatie is a local therapist and OCD trainer with lived experience. She believes that those suffering from OCD deserve more evidence-based treatment options than just Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP).

Katie is a licensed clinical social worker who specializes in the treatment of OCD. Katie has a Master’s degree in Social Work with a concentration in Health and Mental Health from the University of St. Joseph in West Hartford, Connecticut. Social work focuses not just on pathology, but also looks at human development through a lens of policy, social justice, and social welfare to give a more complete look at factors affecting people on a grander scale. This background in social justice contributes to her passion for pursuing a more robust set of skills for treating OCD, as well as advocating for multifaceted treatment approaches and competency for OCD specialists.

Katie also runs a private practice offering Inference-Based CBT, Exposure Response Prevention, Mindfulness-Based Treatment, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for OCD. Katie believes that the most effective approach for treating OCD should be evidence-based, multifaceted, and most importantly, informed by the needs of the client.

Her website is

Register Now

Inference-Based CBT Workshop
Online OCD Conference (Oct. 2023)

October 21–22, 2023 (Saturday–Sunday)

The Online OCD Conference sponsored by McLean OCD Institute for Children and Adolescents is a two-day virtual event jam-packed with educational programming for those in the OCD and related disorders community (18+), including:

  • Individuals with lived experience
  • Family members & supporters
  • Pre-licensed trainees & students
  • Mental health professionals

Sessions and Q&A, Community Discussion Groups, and our Virtual Keynote will all be broadcast live via Zoom, meaning anyone can attend from anywhere in the world! Session presentations and the Keynote will be available on-demand for 60 days following the event, giving you plenty of time to access all of the #OCDCon programming.

Community discussion groups and session Q&A will not be recorded.

The Online OCD Conference is organized by the International OCD Foundation (IOCDF), a donor-supported nonprofit supporting all those impacted by OCD and related disorders in partnership with OCD Southern California, an official Affiliate of the IOCDF.

The mission of the IOCDF is to ensure that no one affected by OCD and related disorders suffers alone. Our community provides help, healing, and hope. Our vision is that everyone impacted by OCD and related disorders has immediate access to effective treatment and support.

The IOCDF provides up-to-date education and resources, strengthens community engagement, delivers quality professional training, and advances groundbreaking research. For more information, visit

Register Now


OCD ConnecticutIn celebration of International OCD Awareness Week, OCD Connecticut is presenting a colloquium – Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Getting Help and Support for Recovery – on Wednesday, October 18, 2023 at Sacred Heart University (SHU) in Fairfield, CT. Christina Taylor, Ph.D., OCD Connecticut Clinical Board Advisor, and members of the Fairfield County OCD Support Group will discuss the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of OCD. The presentation is sponsored by The Human Journey Colloquia 2023 Series and is free and open to the public.

The panel will be held at 7:00 PM in the Loris Forum in the Martire Building at SHU, 5401 Park Avenue, Fairfield, CT.

Likewise, this year, the IOCDF has multiple ways for you to get involved during OCD Awareness Week. Go to the IOCDF website for more information.

IOCDF 1 Million Steps 4 OCD Walk


OCD ConnecticutOCD Connecticut is taking part in the One Million Steps for OCD Walk sponsored by @iocdf with a grassroots community walk during OCD Awareness Week in October 2023. This walk provides a supportive community, increases awareness, and raises funds for the IOCDF and its Local Affiliates, enabling them to continue their mission. Funds raised will benefit the OCD and related disorders community. Together we're embracing uncertainty, one step at a time!

Date: Saturday, October 14, 2023 at 9:00 AM (Rain date is Sunday, October 15, 2023)
Location: Jennings Beach, 880 South Benson Road, Fairfield, CT

You can support OCD CT by either registering to join its Community Walk Team or by making a donation to its team. Visit its Team Page for the One Million Steps Walk for more information.

ADAA Event Header

ADAALIVE FREE PUBLIC WEBINAR | Tuesday, October 3 | 2:00 - 2:30 PM ET

Join ADAA for an informative free live public Q&A webinar, presented in partnership with InStride Health.

The Q&A panel designed for parents and caregivers features experts Drs. Mona Potter & Kathryn Boger. Get answers to your questions and learn practical strategies to empower both you and your child to understand their worries and manage their anxiety and or OCD.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to connect with experts and fellow caregivers, as we empower you with knowledge and resources to help your child thrive.

Presented in partnership with ADAA Institutional Member & Partner InStride Health.

Register Now

Informal Get-Together
An informal, in-person get-together will be held in August 2023 at Sally’s Apizza in Fairfield (Date & time TBD). If you are interested in attending, contact Amy at

OCD Connecticut
OCD Connecticut (the CT affiliate of the IOCDF) is excited to announce that it is holding a “Meet and Greet” event on Monday, July 24, 2023. This event aims to raise awareness and educate the community about OCD. This will be a wonderful opportunity for the affiliate to meet with people who wish to learn more about OCD. This event is ideal for individuals and families living with OCD as well as family members and supporters of those suffering from OCD.

The event will be held at:

Trumbull Library
Community Room
33 Quality Street
Trumbull, CT 06611

Time: 6:00pm to 7:30pm

No fee is required, and refreshments will be provided.
Please RSVP to if you’re interested in attending. Seats are limited to 40.

Download the event flyer.

OCD CT-OCD Awareness Event

28TH ANNUAL IOCDF OCD CONFERENCE  (Posted March 6, 2023)
2023 IOCDF OCD Conference
The Annual OCD Conference brings together individuals and families living with OCD, mental health professionals, and researchers to educate and empower the community. This July, the International OCD Foundation invites you to learn about the latest treatments, research, and practices in OCD and related disorders.

This year's conference will take place in San Francisco, CA on July 7–9, 2023 at the San Francisco Marriott Marquis.

Welcome to the largest international conference dedicated to OCD and related disorders!

This year’s event will feature three days of in-person programming for the entire OCD community, including:
  • Individuals with lived experience
  • Family members & supporters
  • Mental health professionals
  • Researchers
IOCDF has a great lineup in store for our community. They can't wait to see you all!

Please note: This event is in-person with no virtual options and sessions will not be recorded.


Can't wait to see you in San Francisco!

Click here for more information.

IOCDF 1 Million Steps 4 OCD Walk


The One Million Steps for OCD Walk is a community engagement event that provides individuals across the country the opportunity to connect, share stories, create impact, and show those who are struggling on their road to recovery that they are not alone. The OCD Walk is an opportunity to raise funds and awareness of what it really means to have OCD.

This year's walk will take place on Saturday, June 3, 2023 at 9:00am ET at Carson Beach | 125 William J Day Boulevard, Boston, MA 02125

Click here for more information and to register or donate.

IOCDF Faith & OCD Conference

Navigating OCD in Diverse Faith-Based Communities

Monday, May 1, 2023

The IOCDF is excited to present the third annual virtual Faith and OCD Conference on Monday, May 1, 2023! This unique event began out of recognition that many people living with OCD initially seek assistance from a faith leader prior to a mental health provider.

The conference was specifically created to address the needs of a diverse community — spanning all faiths, ethnicities, and backgrounds. We’ll provide education about effective treatment and ways to support those in the faith community living with OCD.

Join the IOCDF for this collaborative conversation between faith leaders, mental health providers, and the OCD community!

The conference will take place on Zoom, a HIPAA-compliant platform. Instructions on how to enter the event will be emailed beforehand.

Who Should Attend

Individuals with faith-based OCD, faith leaders, and mental health providers

Individuals & Families — Hear from faith leaders and mental health professionals about how to build a supportive network for recovery — and receive messages of hope shared by those impacted by OCD.

Faith Leaders — Hear from community members with faith-related OCD and learn how to recognize symptoms. Learn about treatment options and how you can help in the recovery process.

Mental Health Professionals — Hear how OCD and treatment intersect with your clients’ faith practices. Learn how to adapt your practice by integrating faith leaders and families in the development of treatment plans. CE credits provided.

Learn More & Register

IOCDF Online Hoarding Conference

Online Hoarding Conference
March 4–5, 2023 (Saturday & Sunday)

The Online Hoarding Disorder Conference offers an opportunity for professionals — from therapists and social workers to firefighters and other public safety officials — to learn how to work effectively and compassionately with individuals with hoarding disorder (HD).

This conference also provides critical information to individuals, families, and loved ones affected by HD to educate people and their families about effective and compassionate care.

The program for the Online Hoarding Disorder Conference will be released in January 2023. The full schedule will feature sessions for a variety of audiences:
  • Individuals with Hoarding Disorder
  • Family Members and Supporters
  • Community Providers
  • Clinicians and Researchers

Learn More & Register

IOCDF Online OCD Camp

Saturday, February 4 – Sunday, February 5, 2023

Calling all campers (and parents!)
Registration is OPEN for our 2023 Online OCD Camp

The International OCD Foundation's Online OCD Camp is a virtual event for youth with OCD, and their families! Created especially for youth between the ages of 6 and 17, OCD Camp will feature two days of interactive sessions and activities for three age groups. In addition, the program will include sessions for parents/guardians and opportunities for fun and socialization with other families.

Learn More & Register

Online OCD Conference (Nov. 2022)

Join the IOCDF for the largest national conference dedicated to OCD!

November 4–6, 2022 (Friday–Sunday)

This year’s conference will feature three days of learning, community building, and virtual programming for the entire OCD and related disorders community, including:

  • Individuals with lived experience
  • Family members & supporters
  • Mental health professionals & researchers

Learn more and register at Download a conference flyer.

Sessions will be broadcast live via Zoom, meaning anyone from anywhere can attend!

What's more, content will be available for 60 days following the event, giving you time to access ALL of #OCDCon.

OCD Week 2022
In celebration of International OCD Awareness week, OCD Connecticut is presenting a colloquium – Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Getting Help and Support for Recovery – on October 13, 2022 at Sacred Heart University (SHU) in Fairfield, Connecticut. Drs. Christina Taylor and Diane Sholomskas, OCD Connecticut Clinical Board Advisors, and members of the Fairfield County OCD Support Group will discuss the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of OCD. The presentation is sponsored by The Human Journey Colloquia 2022 Series and is free and open to the public.

The panel will be held at 7:00 PM in the Loris Forum in the Martire Building at SHU.

Likewise, this year, the IOCDF has multiple ways for you to get involved during OCD Awareness Week. Go to the IOCDF website for more information.

IOCDF 1 Million Steps 4 OCD Walk


OCD Connecticut is taking part in the One Million Steps for OCD Walk sponsored by @iocdf with a grassroots community walk during OCD Awareness Week in October 2022. This walk provides a supportive community, increases awareness, and raises funds for the IOCDF and its Local Affiliates, enabling them to continue their mission. Funds raised will benefit the OCD and related disorders community. Together we're embracing uncertainty, one step at a time!

Date: October 15 at 9:00 AM (Rain date is October 16)
Location: Jennings Beach in Fairfield, CT

You can support OCD CT by either registering to join its Community Walk Team or by making a donation to its team. Visit its Team Page for the One Million Steps Walk for more information.

UMass Dartmouth Logo
Experiences of racial microaggressions can be challenging for people and some research has suggested they relate to obsessive compulsive symptoms. We are seeking to study frequency of experience of racial microaggressions, obsessive compulsive symptoms, and psychological flexibility. Studying psychological flexibility can help us learn how to support people facing these experiences. We appreciate your time and consideration of this brief survey.

Who is eligible: People who are over age 18 and identify with at least one non-white racial identity.

What is involved: Two brief 10-15 min surveys one month apart. You can choose to participate now and then will be contacted in one month for the second survey.

Participants who complete 75% or more of the survey and pass all checks for spam can be entered into a raffle to win one of five $25 gift cards! There will be a raffle for each time point of the survey!

Contact or for questions and concerns.

Download a flyer regarding the survey. Click here to access the survey.

IOCDF Online OCD Camp


July 8-10, 2022 (Friday–Sunday)
(Pre-conference events on Thursday, July 7)

The Annual OCD Conference informs and empowers the OCD community by bringing together health professionals, researchers, individuals with OCD, and their loved ones, with the goal of educating all attendees about the latest treatments, research, and practice in OCD and related disorders.


Welcome to one of the largest national conferences dedicated to OCD!

This year’s Annual OCD Conference will feature three days of programming dedicated to obsessive compulsive disorder and related disorders for the entire OCD community, including:

  • Individuals with lived experience
  • Family members and supporters
  • Mental health professionals
  • Researchers
Register Now

IOCDF 1 Million Steps 4 OCD Walk


The One Million Steps for OCD Walk provides a supportive community, increases awareness, and raises funds for the IOCDF and its Local Affiliates, enabling them to continue their mission. Funds raised benefit the OCD and related disorders community.

Click here for more information and to register or donate.

Mental Health Awareness Outreach Event

Butler Hospital
Butler Hospital is conducting a research study to help understand the knowledge and attitudes toward neurocircuitry-based services in patients with OCD. You must have a current or past diagnosis of OCD to participate. Participants who do not have a diagnosis of OCD are ineligible to participate and will be forwarded to the end of the survey. Many patients with severe OCD do not respond to traditional treatments including therapy and medication. Reassuringly, neurocircuitry-based procedures including Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), neurosurgery, and Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) have proven effective in treating severe OCD. The survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. Butler Hospital anticipates minimal risk for completing the survey. Participants in the study agree to read the materials thoroughly and to answer questions carefully and honestly.

Click here to access the survey.

IOCDF Faith & OCD Conference

Monday, May 9, 2022 • 12–5pm ET

Registration is open for the second annual Faith and OCD Conference, happening virtually Monday, May 9! Join the IOCDF for this collaborative conversation between faith leaders, mental health professionals, and the OCD community.

Navigating OCD in Diverse Faith-Based Communities

What They Will Cover

Attend virtually, from anywhere!

Many people living with OCD initially seek assistance from faith leaders. This conference addresses the needs of a diverse community — spanning all faiths, ethnicities, and backgrounds. They will provide education about effective treatment and ways to support those in the faith community living with OCD.

Who Should Attend

Individuals with faith-based OCD, faith leaders, and mental health providers

Individuals & Families — Hear from faith leaders and mental health professionals about how to build a supportive network for recovery — and receive messages of hope shared by those impacted by OCD.

Faith Leaders — Hear from community members with faith-related OCD and learn how to recognize symptoms. Learn about treatment options and how you can help in the recovery process.

Mental Health Professionals — Hear how OCD and treatment intersect with your clients’ faith practices. Learn how to adapt your practice by integrating faith leaders and families in the development of treatment plans. CE credits provided.

Learn More & Register

LIVE STREAM TALK ON HOARDING - MARCH 9, 2022, 12:00-1:00pm ET  (Posted March 8, 2022)
Research Roundtable
On this edition of the Research Roundtable, a live stream talk will be held with experts Dr. Randy Frost, Dr. Carolyn Rodriguez, and Dr. Melissa Norberg about Hoarding Disorder - its course, presentation, current treatments and future directions. Hoarding is a misunderstood and often hard to treat disorder so tune in this month to learn some of the most current information from those that know the disorder the best! Watch the talk.

If you are unable to tune in live, watch the latest Research Roundtable videos.

IOCDF Online OCD Camp


January 22 & 23 | Saturday & Sunday

Calling all campers (and parents!)
Registration is OPEN for our 2022 Online OCD Camp

This virtual event for kids and teens with OCD and their families will feature two days of interactive sessions and activities. Join the fun, learn how to battle back OCD, and socialize with others who understand! (Pro tip: register by 11/24/21 to receive our special Camp Kit!)

Register Now

Online OCD Conference


The International OCD Foundation (IOCDF) is so excited to launch this year's Online OCD Conference, a three-day event filled with virtual support, community, and learning. This year's Conference will be held on Friday, October 8th - Sunday, October 10th.

Registration will remain open for on-demand content until Sunday, November 7, 2021

The Online OCD Conference is for everyone in the OCD and related disorders community, including individuals with lived experience, friends/family/supporters, students/trainees, and mental health professionals.

This year's program features talks, discussion groups, social/fun events, and networking opportunities for professionals. Register to join us for a fantastic weekend!

Check out the full schedule and register!

IOCDF 1 Million Steps 4 OCD Walk

We’re so excited to share with you that the 1 Million Steps 4 OCD Walk will return this fall 2021! We hope that hosting the Walk in the fall means more of us will be able to gather in person for a fun, community-building event.

Registration for OCD Walks taking place across the country will open this summer, so be sure to check your email preferences to ensure you’re signed up to receive OCD Walk news and updates.

See you in the fall when we come together to raise funds and awareness for the OCD community!

The OCD Walk Team

IOCDF 2021 Conferences

Due to ongoing COVID-19 restrictions, the International OCD Foundation has made the difficult decision to cancel the in-person Annual OCD Conference in New York, NY, which was scheduled for July 2021.

Although they are disappointed that in-person gatherings at the conference are not possible this year, they know that this is the best way to keep our community safe. Also, they have a full slate of virtual conferences planned for 2021, and they hope you’ll join them!

IOCDF Online Hoarding Conference

Online Hoarding Conference
Saturday, August 7th & Sunday, August 8th, 2021

This two-day virtual event is an excellent opportunity for professionals to expand their expertise (while earning CEs), and for non-professionals to gain valuable knowledge about hoarding disorder (HD).

The event will feature tracks for:
  • Individuals with Lived Experience: For those looking to learn more about recovery options and building motivation for treatment.
  • Family and Supporters: Family members and friends will learn communication skills and effective support systems.
  • Professionals: Mental health professionals, housing authorities, first responders, etc. will benefit from skills training and clinical understanding of hoarding disorder.
Check out the full schedule and register. We look forward to seeing you there!

IOCDF Online OCD Camp

The deadline to register for this summer's Online OCD Camp and get a Camp Supplies Box is rapidly approaching!

This virtual event, specifically for kids ages six through 17 with OCD and their families, will take place on Saturday, July 10th and Sunday, July 11th, 2021. The Camp will feature fun activities and interactive presentations. Check out the full schedule here.

Those who register by this Friday, June 11th will have the complimentary Camp Supplies Box mailed to their home before the event!

Register now and get ready to connect with families at this fun-filled event!

Register Now

TLC's Virtual Conference on BFRBs

The TLC Foundation's VIRTUAL Worldwide Conference on Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors on April 8-11, 2021 is for anyone affected by trichotillomania, dermatillomania, and related behaviors, as well as for family members, clinicians, and researchers. The only event of its kind: top BFRB experts, community leaders, and changemakers lead a weekend of education, support, and most importantly, healing. For more information and to register for this event, go to

The International OCD Foundation is excited to present the Online OCD Camp for Kids & Families, a virtual event specifically for young kids. The program — designed for youth between the ages of 4 and 10 — will feature two days of interactive presentations, activities, and groups for children with OCD and their siblings, programs for parents, in addition to opportunities for fun and socialization.

January 30–31, 2021 (Saturday & Sunday)
$50 /Group 11:00am–4:00pm EST Daily
(Boston, MA timezone)

Kids who are registered by Wednesday, January 6, 2021 will be
shipped a Camp Supplies Box for the event!
  • Kids (aged 4-10) & Families
    Kids will enjoy an engaging experience through art, presentations, and fun! We invite you to experience this time together as a family.

  • Parents/Guardians
    Parent-only times are focused on teaching the basics, and allowing for Q&A. Parents will also experience a sense of connection and community while meeting other parents.

OCD AWARENESS WEEK (OCTOBER 11-17, 2020)  (Posted September 18, 2020)
OCD Week 2020
The International OCD Foundation (IOCDF) is so excited to kick off the 2020 OCD Awareness Week!

Each year during the second full week of October, community groups, service organizations, and clinics across the US and around the world celebrate throughout the week with events such as educational lecture series, OCD-inspired art exhibits, grassroots fundraisers, and more.

Last year's OCD Week was a great success and IOCDF looks forward to seeing what it can accomplish in 2020.

Check for updates on what IOCDF has planned!

ONLINE OCD SUMMER CAMP  (Posted June 29, 2020)
Online OCD Summer Camp
The International OCD Foundation is excited to present the Online OCD Summer Camp, its first virtual event specifically for kids and teens. The program — designed for youth between the ages of 11 and 17 — will feature two days of interactive presentations, activities, and groups for children with OCD and their siblings, in addition to opportunities for fun and socialization.

The Online OCD Summer Camp sessions and interactive workshops are intended for kids and teens who have lived experience with OCD or related disorders and the youth siblings supporting someone affected by OCD.

The camp will take place from Saturday, July 18 to Sunday, July 19, 2020.

To register, go to

All presentations will take place in a live stream via Zoom. Registrants will receive the URL link to access the Zoom room on the day before the event.

Registration is capped at 100 participants, so be sure to register soon!

Registration is $25 per participant.

ONLINE OCD CONFERENCE (Summer 2020)  (Posted June 23, 2020)
Online OCD Conference
The International OCD Foundation announced that it has organized an online OCD conference this summer.

The first event of its kind, this virtual event has programming for everyone in the OCD community: individuals with lived experience, their family members and supporters, and the professionals who treat them.

Running from Friday, July 31 through Sunday, August 2, 2020, this virtual event will feature 70 talks, 36 discussion groups, and 160 presenters.

For more information, go to

The TLC Foundation There is nothing like connecting face-to-face with other people affected by these disorders.

TLC's International Conference on Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors is the only event of its kind: top BFRB experts, community leaders, and changemakers will guide nearly 500 individuals, families, and treatment providers through a weekend of education, support, and most importantly, healing.

WHEN:     APRIL 2-5, 2020

Click here for more details


Your support brings individuals and families together to make life-changing connections with peers, support networks, services, and treatment providers. Our sponsors are part of those connections!
  • Share your tools and resources with patients and families.
  • Get feedback on treatment technology from the world's top BFRB researchers.
  • Recruit participants for your advocacy work and research studies.
  • Tens of thousands of individuals, families, and treatment providers trust that The TLC Foundation for BFRBs and our partners will provide evidence-based information and trusted resources.
Sign up at


Clinicians, researchers, and community leaders are invited to submit proposals to present at The TLC Foundation for BFRBs International Conference on Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors.

TLC's International Conference on BFRBs guides patients and their families through a weekend of strategy-building, self-discovery, and healing; while also offering high quality, in-depth training and education to treatment providers, and fostering collaboration amongst researchers.

Click here to be a presenter


Register Now

The TLC Foundation
Join The TLC Foundation, Dr. Fred Penzel, and experts from NYU Langone Health's Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry for a day of education in best practices treatment for body-focused repetitive behaviors.

A one-day training designed to provide mental health professionals with an overview of evidence-based treatment for body-focused repetitive behaviors (BFRBs), including trichotillomania and excoriation disorder.

December 7, 2019
Cost: $125.00

Child Study Center at
Hassenfeld Children's Hospital at
NYU Langone Health Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
One Park Avenue
7th Floor, Central Park
New York, NY 10016

After completing this workshop, participants will be able to:
  • List the 5 modalities of the ComB Model for Behavioral Treatment of BFRBs.
  • Analyze the role of functional analysis in developing a patient treatment plan.
  • Design and implement specific Cognitive Behavioral interventions for BFRBs.
  • Develop treatment plans for adults, children, and adolescents who have BFRBs.
  • Demonstrate ACT and DBT techniques as used in BFRB treatment.
Six CEU credits for qualified professionals:
  • Psychologists
  • Therapists
  • Counselors
  • Social workers

Register Now

Co-hosted by:

Hassenfeld Children's Hospital

26TH ANNUAL OCD CONFERENCE IN AUSTIN, TX - JULY 19 to 21, 2019!  (April 23, 2019)
Austin OCD Conference The Annual OCD Conference informs and empowers the OCD community by bringing together health professionals, researchers, individuals with OCD, and their loved ones, with the goal of educating all attendees about the latest treatments, research, and practice in OCD and related disorders.

This year's Conference will include diverse programming, events, and resources to engage all members of the OCD community!

For more information, visit the OCD Conference website.

OCD Walk
The 1 Million Steps 4 OCD Walk is back this spring, with even more ways for walkers to take a step and become part of the #OCDwalk movement. The 1 Million Steps 4 OCD Walk represents a chance for the community to bring greater awareness to OCD and related disorders, while also helping to raise funds for programs run by the IOCDF and its Local Affiliates. These programs aim to support all those affected by OCD and to further educate the greater community about what it means to live with OCD and/or a related disorder.

This year, in addition to the flagship 1 Million Steps 4 OCD Walk in Boston, a walk closer to Fairfield County will take place at Morgan Memorial Park, Glen Cove, NY (Long Island). To attend one of these OCD Walks, or participate by setting up a team as part of the Community Walk and holding a grassroots event, there’s an opportunity for everyone to get involved!

The Boston walk will take place on Saturday, June 1, 2019 at DCR Mother's Rest at Carson Beach. For more information and to register for this walk, click here.

The Glen Cove, NY (Long Island) walk will take place on Sunday, June 9, 2019 at Morgan Memorial Park. For more information and to register for this walk, click here.

OCD AWARENESS WEEK (OCTOBER 7-13, 2018)  (September 26, 2018)
OCD Awareness Week 2018 Calendar
This year, OCD Awareness Week will be taking place October 7-13, 2018! #OCDweek includes programs and events hosted by the IOCDF as well as others hosted by affiliates and members of the OCD Community. Go to the IOCDF OCD Awareness Week web page.

Make sure to sign up for IOCDF News and Updates emails in order to receive all of IOCDF’s #OCDweek communications!

View the OCD Awareness Week Calendar and find an event near you!

2018 OCD Conference
The 25th Annual OCD Conference will be held in Washington D.C. on July 27-29, 2018. The Conference informs and empowers the OCD community by bringing together health professionals, researchers, individuals with OCD, and their loved ones, with the goal of educating all attendees about the latest treatments, research, and practice in OCD and related disorders. For more information, visit

Boston OCD Walk
The 1 Million Steps 4 OCD Walk is back this spring, with even more ways for walkers to take a step and become part of the #OCDwalk movement. The 1 Million Steps 4 OCD Walk represents a chance for the community to bring greater awareness to OCD and related disorders, while also helping to raise funds for programs run by the IOCDF and its Local Affiliates. These programs aim to support all those affected by OCD and to further educate the greater community about what it means to live with OCD and/or a related disorder.

This year, more than 25 OCD Walks will take place across the US over the first two weekends in June! Whether you’re able to join us at the flagship 1 Million Steps 4 OCD Walk in Boston, attend an OCD Walk hosted by one of our Local Affiliates in cities across the US, or participate by setting up a team as part of the Community Walk and holding a grassroots event, there’s an opportunity for everyone to get involved!

The Boston walk will take place on Sunday June 3rd, 2018 at the Jamaica Pond.

For more information and to register for the walk, click here.

OCD BASICS & BEYOND EVENT ON MARCH 12, 2018  (February 17, 2018)
OCD Connecticut
OCD Connecticut is sponsoring a free educational program that will review the basics of OCD in both adults and children. A review of symptoms, treatment and strategies to support a loved one with OCD will be presented. Real life experiences will be shared and there will be a Q & A session at the end. This event will take place on Monday, March 12, 2018, 6:30-8:30 pm, at Natchaug Hospital, 189 Storrs Road, Mansfield Center, CT. The hospital is located 6 miles south of the UConn Storrs campus on Route 195. Light refreshments will be served. To register for this program, please call OCD Connecticut at 860-415-6233 or e-mail To download the event flyer, click here.

OCD CAPITAL WALK, WASHINGTON, DC, OCTOBER 14, 2017  (September 26, 2017)
OCD Capital Walk
On Saturday October 14th, 2017, as International OCD Awareness Week comes to a close, OCD and related disorders community members from around the US — and across the globe — will gather together in Washington D.C. for the inaugural OCD Capital Walk. The event will aim to:

  • Increase the public's awareness about OCD and its impact on all those affected.
  • Provide information on available resources for OCD and related disorders.
  • Help individuals learn to advocate — not only for the OCD community in their local and larger governments, but also for themselves, as they seek out treatment and additional support in their communities.
Please join us as we walk in our nation's capital to ensure that all those living with OCD and related disorders have the opportunity to lead full and productive lives. For more information, visit, email or call (617) 973-5801.

OCD AWARENESS WEEK, OCTOBER 8-14, 2017  (August 30, 2017)
OCD Awareness Week 2017
OCD Awareness Week is an international effort taking place during the second week in October to raise awareness and understanding about OCD and related disorders, with the goal of helping more people to get timely access to appropriate and effective treatment.

As part of OCD Awareness Week, OCD Connecticut is hosting “OCD Basics & Beyond” programs in Clinton, Woodbridge, and Mansfield Center, CT. These free educational seminars will review the basics of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in both adults and children. A review of symptoms, treatment and strategies to support a loved one with OCD will be presented. Real life experiences will be shared and there will be a Q & A session at the end. Dates & location details are below: These programs are FREE. To attend, please register by calling 860-415-6233 or emailing:

OCD Conference (San Francisco)
Since 1993, the Annual OCD Conference has been the only national meeting focused solely on obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and related disorders. The unique event allows people with OCD and their loved ones to learn about the latest OCD treatment and information alongside the mental health professionals who care for them.

The Conference features more than 100 presentations, workshops, and seminars as well as nearly two-dozen support groups and various evening events. Our presenters include some of the most experienced and knowledgeable clinicians and researchers in the field, as well as people with OCD and family members sharing their stories about life with OCD. Registration is now open for the 24th Annual OCD Conference being held in San Francisco, CA on July 7-9, 2017. Visit for more information.

24th Annual OCD Conference
July 7-9, 2017
San Francisco Marriott Marquis
San Francisco, CA

1 MILLION STEPS 4 OCD WALK IN BOSTON ON JUNE 3, 2017!  (May 2, 2017)
OCD Walk
Mark your calendars and join us on Saturday, June 3, 2017, for the 1 Million Steps 4 OCD Walk. The International OCD Foundation will be hosting its 5th annual flagship Walk in Boston. Together with members of the OCD community — including individuals with OCD, mental health professionals, friends, family members, coworkers & children — we will walk to help us raise awareness for OCD and related disorders. Registration is now open!

Let’s see how many million steps we can collectively take for OCD if we all work together! 1 in 100 people in the US are living with OCD. And many of those people don’t have access to effective treatment. Help us change that. Take a step and be part of #1million4OCD.

For more details, go to the International OCD Foundation’s Walk registration web page.

Hope-Living with OCD Event
OCD Connecticut is hosting “Living With OCD”, an educational and supportive event for people living with OCD and their loved ones. This event, as part of OCD Awareness Week, will feature Christina J. Taylor, Ph.D. and a panel of people living with OCD. Dr. Taylor is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Sacred Heart University and the author of "OCD: A Workbook for Clinicians, Children and Teens; Actions to Beat, Control & Defeat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder".

This event will take place on Saturday, October 15, 2016 at The Yale Child Study Center, 230 S. Frontage Rd., New Haven, CT, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm. This program is FREE and lunch will be provided.

To attend, please register by calling 860-415-6233 or emailing: Download a flyer containing all details.

To learn more about OCD Awareness Week, visit the IOCDF website at

OCD AWARENESS WEEK, OCTOBER 9-15, 2016  (September 19, 2016)
OCD Awareness Ribbon
OCD Awareness Week is an international effort to raise awareness and understanding about obsessive compulsive disorder and related disorders, with the goal of helping more people to get timely access to appropriate and effective treatment. Launched in 2009 by the IOCDF, OCD Awareness Week is now celebrated by a number of organizations across the US and around the world, with events such as OCD screening days, lectures, conferences, fundraisers, online Q&As, and more.

OCD Awareness Week takes place during the second full week of October each year, and this year it’s October 9–15, 2016. For more information, visit the IOCDF website at

Institute of Living
The Anxiety Disorders Center at Hartford Hospital/Institute of Living is conducting a study investigating changes in brain functioning after treatment in people with Hoarding Disorder. This study is open to adults ages 20 – 60 years old that meet criteria for hoarding disorder as well as other general study criteria.

If you would like more information about this study, click here.

To determine initial eligibility for the study, you will need to complete a 20 minute phone screen with a research assistant, where you will be asked questions about your mental and physical health.

ANNUAL OCD CONFERENCE IN CHICAGO, JULY 29 - 31, 2016  (June 2, 2016)
2015 OCD Conference
Since 1993, the Annual OCD Conference has been the only national meeting focused solely on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and related disorders. This unique event allows people with OCD and their loved ones to learn about the latest OCD treatment and information alongside the mental health professionals who care for them.

The Conference features more than 100 presentations, workshops, and seminars as well as nearly two-dozen support groups and various evening events. Our presenters include some of the most experienced and knowledgeable clinicians and researchers in the field, as well as people with OCD and family members sharing their stories about life with OCD.

This will be the 23rd Annual OCD Conference — we hope that you will join us!

For more information, contact the IOCDF.

1 MILLION STEPS 4 OCD WALK IN BOSTON ON JUNE 4, 2016!  (April 18, 2016)
OCD Walk
Mark your calendars and join us on Saturday, June 4, 2016, for the 1 Million Steps 4 OCD Walk. The International OCD Foundation will be hosting its 4th annual flagship Walk in Boston. Together with members of the OCD community — including individuals with OCD, mental health professionals, friends, family members, coworkers, children, and even four-legged friends (dogs must be on a leash, of course) — we will walk to help us raise awareness for OCD and related disorders. Registration is now open! Please check the International OCD Foundation's website ( for more details!
Let’s see how many million steps we can collectively take for OCD if we all work together! 1 in 100 people in the US are living with OCD. And many of those people don’t have access to effective treatment. Help us change that. Take a step and be part of #1million4OCD.

OCD Connecticut has a team walking in Boston and they want you to join them!! Joining Team Connecticut is easy – just go to this link: and click on "Register".

Download a flyer.

“PARENTING YOUR CHILD WITH OCD” Event on Nov. 4th  (October 28, 2015)
OCD Awareness week is behind us, but we are moving forward with the following educational program to continue our mission:

How to Love and Nurture Your Child while Quieting their Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
OCD Connecticut presents this educational program for parents and loved ones of children, adolescents and young adults living with OCD. The program will include a discussion about what OCD is, how it effects your loved one and family, and tips and strategies to support your parenting.

The event will take place on Wed., November 4th from 7:00-8:30pm at Henry Carter Hull Library, 10 Killingworth Turnpike, Clinton, CT. For directions, click here.

We hope you will consider attending this program. Download a flyer with all the details. You can also visit OCD Connecticut's website at

OCD AWARENESS WEEK EVENT on OCTOBER 10, 2015  (September 19, 2015)
OCD Awareness Week Event
An OCD Awareness Week Presentation will be held on Saturday, October 10, 2015 at the Yale New Haven Child Study Center. Click here for more information. To register, go to:

OCD AWARENESS WEEK, OCTOBER 11-17, 2015  (September 19, 2015)
OCD Awareness Week Event
OCD Awareness Week is an international effort to raise awareness and understanding about obsessive compulsive disorder and related disorders, with the goal of helping more people to get timely access to appropriate and effective treatment. Launched in 2009 by the IOCDF, OCD Awareness Week is now celebrated by a number of organizations across the US and around the world, with events such as OCD screening days, lectures, conferences, fundraisers, online Q&As, and more. Click here for more information.

Annual OCD Conference in Boston, July 31–August 2, 2015  (June 6, 2015)
2015 OCD Conference
Since 1993, the Annual OCD Conference has been the only national meeting focused solely on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and related disorders. This unique event allows people with OCD and their loved ones to learn about the latest OCD treatment and information alongside the mental health professionals who care for them. The Conference features more than 100 presentations, workshops, and seminars as well as nearly two-dozen support groups and various evening events. The presenters include some of the most experienced and knowledgeable clinicians and researchers in the field, as well as people with OCD and family members sharing their stories about life with OCD.
This year is the 22nd Annual OCD Conference — we hope that you will join us to make this the best Conference yet!
More questions? Contact the IOCDF.
Want to receive updates from the IOCDF about the latest Conference information? Sign up to receive updates via email.

1 Million Steps 4 OCD Walk in Boston on June 6, 2015  (March 23, 2015)
OCD Walk
Mark your calendars and join us on Saturday, June 6, 2015, for the 1 Million Steps 4 OCD Walk. The International OCD Foundation will be hosting its 3rd annual flagship Walk in Boston. Together with members of the OCD community — including individuals with OCD, mental health professionals, friends, family members, coworkers, children, and even four-legged friends (dogs must be on a leash, of course) — we will walk to help us raise awareness for OCD and related disorders. Walk registration will open on April 6, 2015, so please check the International OCD Foundation's website ( soon for more details!
Let’s see how many million steps we can collectively take for OCD if we all work together! 1 in 100 people in the US are living with OCD. And many of those people don’t have access to effective treatment. Help us change that. Take a step and be part of #1million4OCD.

OCD Connecticut has a team walking in Boston and they want you to join them!! Joining Team Connecticut is easy – just go to this link: and click on Join.

Download a flyer containing all details.

May is Mental Health Month!  (May 2015)
May 2015-Mental Health Month
For over 65 years, Mental Health America (MHA) and its affiliates across the country have led the observance of May is Mental Health Month to raise awareness about mental health and mental illness. Addressing mental health before Stage 4—this year’s theme for the month—calls attention to the importance addressing mental health symptoms early, identifying potential underlying diseases, and planning an appropriate course of action on a path towards overall health. Download the Mental Health Month Fact Sheet and the Mental Health Month Calendar with daily tips to boost your mind and body. For more information, click here.

Teen Mental Health Seminar, May 7, 2015 in Hartford, CT  (April 21, 2015)
Teen Mental Health
On May 7, 2015, the Connecticut Health I-Team will host “Uncovering Our Kids: Towards a Better Understanding of Teen Mental Health” at The Lyceum, 227 Lawrence St. in Hartford, CT. The event is being held in collaboration with ConnectiCare and Hartford Hospital’s Institute of Living. For information or to purchase tickets, click here.

OCD AWARENESS DAY, OCTOBER 18th!!  (October 8, 2014)
OCD ConnecticutAn OCD Awareness Week presentation for individuals with OCD and their family members is being held in New Haven, CT on Saturday, October 18, 2014. We encourage you to join us in this special event as we expect it to be very informative and rewarding. This program is free and lunch will be provided. For more information, download this flyer. To register for the event, go to If you wish to participate in the Support Group session at the event with Dr. Sholomskas and Dr. Taylor, please confirm by sending an email to

OCD Walk a Success!!  (June 10, 2014)
2014 OCD Walk CT Participants
The 2014 OCD Walk this past weekend in Boston was a success! The weather couldn't have been more beautiful and the location, Jamaica Pond, was breathtaking! The people were very nice and it felt like we were a community. Close to $35,000 was raised! We had a good group from CT, including some members of our support group and a number of people from the OCD Connecticut group. Those of us that walked are very proud to have participated in such a wonderful event that heightened more awareness about OCD and raised funds to support the important work of the International OCD Foundation (IOCDF). We are very grateful to those of you that donated! We encourage you to participate in next year's walk! View a photo of some of the Connecticut participants. For more photos, click here. Read an article and see photos from the IOCDF about the walk.

The 2014 IOCF OCD Conference will be held in July 2014!
International OCD Foundation
The 21st Annual IOCF OCD Conference will be held July 18–20, 2014 in Los Angeles, CA! This conference is the only national meeting focused solely on OCD. This unique event allows people with OCD and their loved ones to learn about the latest OCD treatment and information alongside the mental health professionals who care for them. The conference website is If you have any questions, click here.

OCD Connecticut Team Walk in Boston, Saturday, June 7, 2014!!
1 Million Steps 4 OCD Walk
OCD Connecticut and our support group have a team walking in the 1 Million Steps 4 OCD Walk in Boston on Saturday, June 7, 2014 and we want you to join us!! Joining Team Connecticut is easy. Just go to and click on "Join Team". It costs $25 to register! If you are concerned about transportation to the walk, let OCD Connecticut know and they will make arrangements! For details about the walk, click here. For more information, e-mail or call 860-415-6233. Download the flyer. We invite all of you to join us as we walk for OCD awareness. We would love to have a decent group to show our support. Come on and join will be a fun day!!

Stress & Anxiety Talk at Fairfield Public Library on May 29!  (May 27, 2014)
Southwest Regional Mental Health Board, Inc.
For Mental Health Awareness Month, the Southwest Regional Mental Health Board is pleased to present a talk on stress & anxiety by Dr. Marcia Eckerd, clinical psychologist, this coming Thursday night, May 29, from 7:00-8:30pm, at Fairfield Public Library. Her talk has been extremely well received by other local communities. Please spread the word!

May is Mental Health Month!  (May 2014)
May 2014-Mental Health Month
For 65 years, Mental Health America and its affiliates across the country have led the observance of "May is Mental Health Month" by reaching millions of people through the media, local events and screenings. The 2014 May is Mental Health Month theme is “Mind Your Health.” Its goals are to build public recognition about the importance of mental health to overall health and wellness; inform people of the ways that the mind and body interact with each other; and provide tips and tools for taking positive actions to protect mental health and promote whole health. For more information, click here. Download the Mind Your Health Calendar with daily tips to boost your mind and body.

NAMI Presents The Family to Family Education Program in Newtown, CT
The Family to Family Education Program consists of 12 weekly sessions offering support and education to family members and loved ones of individuals with mental illness. Sessions begin on Monday, March 3, 2014, 7:00–9:30 p.m. at Newtown Christian Church, 210 Sugar St., Newtown, CT. For information and registration contact: Carole @ 203-240-0936 or or Sue @ 203.744.4497 or Download this flyer for all information.

OCD & BDD Online Research Study
George Mason University
An online research study is currently being conducted through George Mason University's Dept. of Psychology to help understand risk factors that predict the most severe outcomes (i.e., social impairment, occupational impairment, depression, suicidality) for those with OCD and Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD), compared to healthy individuals without these disorders. This research will help to inform and improve empirically-supported treatments for OCD and BDD, in order to reduce the frequency and severity of these severe outcomes. To participate in this online study, please visit:

The Next Wave in Mental Health: Announcing the 2013 NAMI Connecticut Annual Conference!
NAMI Connecticut (National Alliance on Mental Illness) is holding a state conference on Saturday, October 19, 2013 at Central Connecticut State University (CCSU). In the last few years there is much that we have learned about the brain and mental health disorders. This conference will focus on some of the research that is ongoing as well as what we know works right now. Online registration starts on August 15, 2013 at Obtain a conference agenda.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Collaborative Genetics Association Research Study
Massachusetts General HospitalA team of scientists and clinicians at Massachusetts General Hospital, an affiliate of Harvard Medical School, are conducting a study with teams at five other university medical centers and the National Institute of Mental Health to investigate genes responsible for the development of OCD. They hope that by knowing these genes it may lead to improved understanding and treatment of the disorder. The study team is looking for individuals age 8 years and older with a diagnosis of OCD (where symptoms started before 18 years) and both of his or her parents. Study entry requires involvement of the OCD-affected individual and both parents. For more information, visit

Exciting New OCD Clinical Research at the Institute of Living in Hartford, CT
The Institute of Living The Anxiety Disorders Center at Hartford Hospital/The Institute of Living is conducting research on new ways to treat OCD. Participants in the ongoing studies will receive free treatment -- either cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or a medication, depending on which study enrollment is in. For more information please call (860) 545-7039 or visit

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